Maureen Emetuche is a coach, mentor, outstanding leader and visionary administrator.
She is an alumna of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka – Anambra State, where she obtained B.Sc in Corporative Economics and Management in 2004. She is also an alumna of National Broadcast Academy where she was awarded a certificate in Basic Presentation in 2012.
Maureen has attended over one hundred personal development courses on leadership and management, sales and marketing, customer service, negotiation, business strategies, accounts and finance, performance management, admin and human resources, public speaking and presentation, etc.
She is the Group Executive Director at The Selling Champion Consulting Limited, and MaureenGeorge Concept Limited.
Maureen started her career in the hospitality industry in 2005 as head of Marketing, and later moved to the financial sector in 2007 where she spent five years as team lead in Marketing Department before joining MaureenGeorge Concept Limited in 2012 and later The Selling Champion Consulting in 2013.
Maureen has been described by many observers – as a major factor in positioning The Selling Champion Consulting Limited and MaureenGeorge Concept Limited.
She has passion for raising ideal children for their families and the society. She is the Coordinator of Missionary Childhood Association [MCA] in her Parish in Ikeja – Lagos – where children are molded in character and learning. Maureen is a lover of God and Family.